There are a few ways you can join the 荣誉项目 at 十大网赌正规网址:
1. You can be 欢迎申请.
- Prospective students who submit a completed application for admission by May 1, AND are rewarded a Presidential or Dean's Scholarship will be 欢迎申请 to the 荣誉项目.
2. Students 已经登记 或转入十大网赌正规网址的学生必须:
High school seniors who are admitted to the University and awarded a 总统奖学金 并申请荣誉课程 & 参加奖学金日(12月11日. 2, 2023)将被考虑为我们的最高学术奖学金. Though the final deadline for applying to the 荣誉项目 is May 1, 总统奖学金获得者 谁在2023年11月27日(星期一)之前申请, are in the pool of candidates considered for these top scholarships:
授予荣誉奖学金1名, 还包括学费, fees, 每年的食宿(最多四年). 荣誉奖学金 replaces 总统奖学金. 荣誉学者必须保持3分.5 CGPA, 在荣誉课程中保持活跃状态, and graduate with Honors & 获得荣誉课程的成绩.
Five 受托人的奖学金s are awarded to the top five alternates for the 荣誉奖学金, 价格高达24美元,000元/年(不超过四年). 受托人奖学金 replaces 总统奖学金. 受托人奖学金学生必须保持3分.5 CGPA, 在荣誉课程中保持活跃状态, 并以优异成绩从荣誉课程毕业.
All Presidential Scholars will be invited to 十大网赌正规网址's Scholarship Day on Saturday, December 2nd for a unique opportunity to interview with faculty and current students of the 荣誉项目 to determine acceptance into the 荣誉项目 and so that the Honors Committee can narrow down finalists and award the Honors and 受托人的奖学金s. All applicants who attend will receive letters by mid-December on these decisions.
All scholarship details for Manchester scholarships can be found at: nhmyxh.tetris-spielen.net/scholarships
Students may receive 1 of 3 different levels of Honors recognition, 这取决于他们完成的荣誉课程的数量. 荣誉课程不能以及格或不及格为基础.
I. 荣誉与成就.
This honors recognition is given to the student who has maintained a cumulative 3.5 GPA and who has completed a minimum of 18 hours of honors coursework, 专业以外的9个小时, 主修6小时, 以及3小时的荣誉论文(IDIV 495).
II. Honors.
This honors recognition is given to the student who has maintained a cumulative 3.5 GPA and who has completed a minimum of 12 hours of honors coursework (which can include FYS-H). 至少6个小时的课程需要达到300-400的水平.
III. 成就.
This honors recognition is given to the student who has maintained a cumulative 3.5 GPA and who does not complete the required number of honors courses to qualify for Honors, 但必须完成3小时的荣誉论文(IDIV 495). To qualify, students must apply no later than the beginning of their senior year and must have a strong recommendation from an instructor.
- Students will challenge themselves with complex perspectives and interdisciplinary ideas through Honors course opportunities.
- Students will actively learn both in the classroom and from the diverse collection of experiences in our community.
- Students will develop into leader’s on-campus and in the community by being actively involved in the 荣誉项目.
- 学生将与教师建立合作关系, staff, 通过第一年的写作研讨会, 荣誉项目活动, 荣誉领导委员会, 和荣誉论文.
- 学生将培养正式写作的专业技能, 口头报告, and intellectual dialogue as demonstrated through the Honors Thesis.
There are many advantages to being a part of the MU 荣誉项目, 但是我们课程的重点是 创造你自己的体验. At MU honors students can select pre-arranged honors courses (where the honors project is already outlined by the faculty member) or they can plan conversions in courses they are 已经登记 in. Our goal is to facilitate a community of honors students in courses in meaningful ways that promote the learning for all MU students.
Active students in the honors program also have the benefit of registering early for their following semester’s classes, increasing the level of control students have over their course schedules. Students are able to develop close relationships with fellow honors students as they participate in honors program sponsored events. Students are able to demonstrate to graduate schools and employers that they challenged themselves while obtaining their college degree. Students develop their leadership through the 荣誉领导委员会 student group, and by getting involved on campus and in the local community through service projects. Finally, students are recognized at graduation and wear special honors regalia to recognize their achievements while at MU.